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Dynamic Stretch

Try this class before your resistance program for optimal performance. With the use of our Total Gym Encompass machine your instructor will deliver a full-body workout in every class. Participants work multiple muscle groups together for a complete workout that challenges proprioception and core stabilizers by integrating multi-plane movement and unrestricted range of motion in nearly every exercise.

  1. Click on the “Register now“ button below. You’ll be taken to another browser window.
  2. Enter your email and then hit “forgot my password” (this will bring up a new form)
  3. Re-enter your email and Submit (this will send you a temporary password that you can use to log in)
  4. Once you are able to login with your temp password – you will be able to change it to your own customized password.

* Note:If you have any issues registering online please contact the YMCA via our contact form. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.


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