Dan Bulger Fellowship of Honour Award

Dan Bulger Fellowship of Honour

Dan Bulger: 1 of 12 Outstanding Canadians Honoured

Today, September 25, 2024 one of Canada’s longest-serving YMCA volunteers,Dan Bulger, was awarded the YMCA Fellowship of Honour Officer Award, recognizing his more than 46 years of service to YMCA Northumberland. The Honourable Senator Ratna Omidvar presented the medal during a ceremony at the Rideau Club in Ottawa, celebrating 12 inductees’ contributions to building stronger communities throughout YMCA Canada.

“We are very proud of and grateful to Dan,” says YMCA Northumberland President & CEO Eunice Kirkpatrick. “His leadership and 46+ years of dedication and passion have helped to build a stronger, healthier YMCA that, in turn, strengthens Northumberland. Dan’s investment of time, energy and talent in serving others has created a legacy that will be felt for generations.”

Dan has made an extraordinary impact through his leadership in the organization and the community. From pioneering and running the Waterpower Fitness Class for over 46 years to serving on the Board of Directors and leading significant fundraising efforts, his contributions have strengthened YMCA programming and enriched countless lives across Northumberland County. Dan’s passion for service, philanthropy, and community-building embodies the YMCA’s values.

“I am truly humbled and honoured to receive this appointment,” Dan confides. “The work that the Y does in our communities is so very important, and I hope I can continue to help my Y grow and strengthen its mission.”

The YMCA Fellowship of Honour has recognized the exceptional service of volunteers and staff since its inception in 1978. The induction of YMCA leaders takes place every three to four years under the patronage of the Governor General of Canada. Dan Bulger and 11 other honourees join only 123 other exemplary Canadians chosen to be honoured in one of two categories: a Companion award recognizes outstanding national or international leadership, and an Officer award acknowledges local or regional leadership contributions. Dan joins the Fellowship as an Officer.

These committed Canadians have collectively provided distinguished service to the YMCA in communities from coast to coast. “Each of these individuals is a shining example of what it means to give back to the community,” said Peter Dinsdale, YMCA Canada’s President and CEO. “Their passion for helping to ensure a sense of belonging for all has created ripples of positive impact in communities across Canada and worldwide. We deeply appreciate each person’s contributions, which remind us of the lasting and tremendous impact one dedicated individual can make.”


The Dan J. Bulger Fellowship of Honour Fund

To commemorate this milestone, YMCA Northumberland is launching the Daniel J. Bulger Fellowship of Honour Fund, which is dedicated to expanding programming and providing services inspired by his work. This initiative is a tribute to his remarkable efforts and a means of continuing his impact.

Donations to the Daniel J. Bulger Fellowship of Honour Fund can be made online or through YMCA Northumberland’s Membership Services.


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