Our next session of Swim Lessons begin the week of March 17, 2025.
The Cobourg and Campbellford Swim Lesson schedules can be viewed by clicking on the buttons below or scrolling down.
Cobourg Indoor Pool March to May, 2025 Swim Lessons
Campbellford Pools March to May, 2025 Swim Lessons
Our pool locations
Cobourg YMCA Pool
339 Elgin St. W., Cobourg
905 372-0161
Year Round
Campbellford Pool
Sunny Life Recreation & Wellness Centre
50 Seymour Quarry Road, Campbellford
Year Round
Centennial Pool
42 Charles Street, Cobourg
Closed for the season.
Alderville First Nation Pool
Band Member Access Only
RR 45, Alderville
905 372-0161
Closed for the season.
Preschool Swim Lessons

Caregiver assisting child program to develop comfort in the water, familiarity to environment and to promote water fun.
Red Cross Equivalent
Starfish/Duck/Sea Turtle

Gaining comfort in the water, blowing bubbles with gradual facial immersion, front & back.
Red Cross Equivalent
Sea Otter

Must be comfortable entering and exiting the pool on their own, as well as putting their face in the water. To complete: child must be able to float on their front and back and swim 5m unassisted
Red Cross Equivalent

Must be able to float, swim 5m unassisted in shallow water. Must be comfortable beginning the transition from shallow to deep water with assistance.
Red Cross Equivalent

Comfort in deep water. To complete: 10m back and front swim with leg and arm action, as well as front and back float in deep water.
Red Cross Equivalent

Surfer – Surface support for 30sec, front and back swim with arm action and flutter kick up to 15m, side breathing, face in with buoyant aid.
Dipper – Front and back swim 25m, intro to front and back crawl, standing dive, and surface support for 45 seconds.
Red Cross Equivalent
Learn To Swim Program

(6 yrs+)
This level is for beginner swimmers. To complete: submerge, holding breath, front and back float unassisted, front and back swim 5m.
Red Cross Equivalent
Swim Kids 1

(6 yrs+)
Deep end activities on a more regular
basis. Build endurance and stamina to proceed onto length swimming. To complete: surface support 20sec; front and back float in deep water
unassisted; front and back swim 10m.
Red Cross Equivalent
Swim Kids 2

(6 yrs+)
Build endurance and stamina for
length swimming and instruction. To complete: tread in deep water 45sec, front glide with kick, face in, sidebreathing 15m, front and back swim
with arm and leg action 15m. Jump into deep water and swim 15m.
Red Cross Equivalent
Swim Kids 3

(6 yrs+)
Introduction to length swimming. To complete: initial standard front crawl 25m; back swim 25m; tread water 60sec; jump into deep water and swim
Red Cross Equivalent
Swim Kids 4
Star Program

Star 1
To complete: front crawl intermediate standard; back crawl initial standard; tread water 90sec; endurance swim of 75m.
Red Cross Equivalent
Swim Kids 5

Star 2
To complete: front crawl advanced standard;
back crawl intermediate
standard; elementary backstroke initial standard; endurance swim 350m (14 lengths) throughout program; tread water 2min.
Red Cross Equivalent
Swim Kids 6

Star 3
To complete: back crawl advanced standard; elementary backstroke intermediate standard; breast stroke initial standard; endurance swim 300m (12 lengths).
Red Cross Equivalent
Swim Kids 7

Star 4
To complete: recognition and care for an obstructed, conscious victim; eggbeater kick 60sec; elementary backstroke 50m advanced standard, breast stroke 50m intermediate standard. Endurance swim: 400m (16 lengths).
Red Cross Equivalent
Swim Kids 8

Star 5
To complete: swim 200m in under 6min; eggbeater kick 2min; breast stroke 50m advanced standard; sidestroke 25m initial standard; endurance swim 500m (20 lengths).
Red Cross Equivalent
Swim Kids 9

Star 6
To complete: rescue unconscious victim with obstructed airway; sidestroke 50m intermediate standard; butterfly stroke 25m initial standard; endurance swim 600m(24 lengths); help teach a swim skill.
Red Cross Equivalent
Swim Kids 10

Adult Swim Lessons
It’s never too late to learn to swim or improve your stroke technique. The YMCA can help you achieve your swimming goals and feel confident in the water. Our Adult Swim lessons are taught in a group environment where certified YMCA Swim instructors work with each individual on a specific plan that meets them at their own swim experience level.
Fees: Members Free
Price varies by number of weeks. Please view the latest schedule for up to date rates.
Private or Semi-Private Swim Lessons
Private lessons are offered as one-on-one. Semi-Private are offered in groups of 3, with 2 swimmers plus 1 instructor. These lessons are a great way to complement a weekly swim lesson or provide the extra attention needed to achieve your or your child’s swimming goals. All classes are 30 minutes long.
Price varies by number of weeks. Please view the latest schedule for up to date rates.

Are you looking to add in a competitive edge to your swimming? Look no further! With the Y Waves Swim Team, you will build your endurance, timing and skill.
PRE-REQUISITE: 6 Years of age and can swim continuously for 100m using a recognized stroke.
Price varies by number of weeks. Please view the latest schedule for up to date rates.
Junior Lifeguard Club offers serious fun for kids 8 years and up who can swim for at least 25m and tread water for 2 minutes. Learn about what Lifeguards do, how they do it, and what it took for them to achieve their qualifications!
Participants will learn the building blocks to becoming an aquatic leader.
PRE-REQUISITE: 8 years old, tread for 2 minutes, swim 25m
Choose from 2 sessions per week or 1 session per week.
Price varies by number of weeks. Please view the latest schedule for up to date rates.

Just want to enjoy the pool?
YMCA Northumberland is committed to quality and convenient swim programs for all ages and all members.