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Boot Camp

Participants move around to different stations to complete exercises to a specified work: rest ratio. Great class to learn how to use alternative workout equipment like battle ropes, sandbag slams, bosu and bender balls. Great class for those just starting back, or for those than need to break up the boredom of barbells and dumbbells. […]


Engaging muscles you wouldn’t normally target, Barre includes elements of Pilates, dance, yoga and strength training all choreographed to motivating music. Barre will tone, sculp and shape the body while improving all over physical fitness.


This class focuses on building and maintaining overall core strength and stability with a variety of exercises and practices including Pilates, Strength and Yoga. Each instructor will bring their own unique class design to each class.

Flow Yoga

An invigorating physical and mental practice that links every pose to breath. As your experience in this method of yoga expression evolves you will be able to find your own rhythm by focusing inward and accepting what your body needs each time you show up on the mat. Get ready to move. A range of […]


In mid March, within a period of 48 hours our operation completely closed down due to government-mandated Covid 19 restrictions. Our top priority became continued relevance in the face of rapidly changing community needs and responsible stewardship for our association and its assets, both physical and human. The closure of all YMCA Northumberland facilities in […]


Increase flexibility, release tension and make the mind and body connection in this class through breathing, postures and relaxation techniques.

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